Scripture Reflections (blogs)

Scripture Reflections are similar to what Christians call Daily Devotions.  They will usually include:

  • Some background
  • What it meant to the readers at the time
  • Potential applications for us today

In addition to the “more comprehensive” reflections here, there are many more “quick reflections” on the social media sites linked on the About / Follow page.

Much of how God communicates to His children (Christians) is through scripture guided by the Spirit.  One key to moving from “religion” to “relationship” with God is like any relationship – spending time together.  Praying for guidance while reading scripture is a key component to building a relationship with our loving and wise Heavenly Father.

Subscribe / Follow to be notified when new content is posted on the site.  See the About / Follow page for more details on that and how to ask questions or provide feedback.